A brief interlude

by Wouldn't you like to know?

I received a few messages, asking for commentary on the tension, hate, racial disparity and police brutality with what is going on right now around the world, how it relates to magic, and to be honest, this baffled me.

Asking for my views or about magic in this context, on any of these key issues, makes no sense at all.

This is a blog to talk about magic shit; not a platform for me or anyone else to utilise one way or another in seriously discussing important social issues/flaws. Doing so would only downplay and take away from the importance and focus needed for the right reasons, especially right now.

Currently, innocent people are being killed, losing their livelihoods and being singled out and challenged for nothing more than existing in their own skin.

The only thing I can ask is that you, as the reader, use this time, energy and focus that you have and seek to understand what and why things are how they are. As you would research and learn about whatever interests you, I ask that you use that same focus and energy to learn about what is going on around you, how that impacts your fellow man (and woman) and what you can do to change it for the better.

Ask an uncomfortable question, be ready to have uncomfortable realisations and conversations, but don’t look to any one place or person to dictate or validate your perspective on the world, or anything in it.

Stay safe, be kind and look out for one another
We’ve got a long way to go ahead,